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HDTMPA.K6 is a highly efficient and versatile water treatment chemical
 Feb 05, 2024|View:195|

HDTMPA·K6 has a high solubility, can prevent the formation of scale salts in water, is a good calcium sulfate scale inhibitor, especially suitable for high alkali and high pH conditions. HDTMPA·K6 is especially suitable for boiler water treatment, reverse osmosis membrane scale inhibitor.


Description & Application:

HDTMPA K6 has a high solubility, which can prevent scaling salts from forming scales in water. It is a good calcium sulfate scale inhibitor, especially suitable for high alkali and high pH conditions. HDTMPA K6 is especially suitable for boiler water treatment and reverse osmosis membrane treatment.

HEMPA.K6, or Hexapotassium Salt of Hydroxyethyl Methylene Phosphonic Acid, is a potent water treatment chemical widely used in industrial applications. With the CAS number 53473-28-2, HEMPA.K6 offers excellent scale and corrosion inhibition properties. It effectively prevents scale formation and reduces corrosion in water systems. HEMPA.K6's unique formulation as a potassium salt enhances its stability and solubility, making it a reliable choice for maintaining the efficiency and longevity of industrial water systems.

Safety Protection:

Acidity, avoid contact with eye and skin, once contacted, flush with water.