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CAB exhibits excellent surface-active properties, making it an effective emulsifier and dispersant.
 Mar 08, 2024|View:119|

CAB is a thermoplastic polymer derived from cellulose. It possesses excellent clarity, impact resistance, and weatherability. CAB is widely used in various industries, including coatings, adhesives, and films. It is known for its compatibility with solvents and other polymers. CAB offers good flow properties and can be easily molded or extruded into various shapes. It finds applications in automotive parts, consumer goods, and electronic devices.



CAB, or Cetyltrimethylammonium Bromide, is a highly versatile surfactant compound widely utilized in various applications. With the CAS number 61789-40-0, CAB exhibits excellent surface-active properties, making it an effective emulsifier and dispersant. It provides enhanced wetting, foaming, and solubilization capabilities. CAB is commonly used in personal care products, industrial processes, and research laboratories, where its surfactant properties enable improved cleaning, emulsion stability, and enhanced performance in a wide range of applications.


1. Suitable for all kinds of laundry detergent, shampoo, body wash, cleanser, and household detergent, etc.

2. Suitable for using as a detergent, thickening agent, antistatic agent, and fungicide.

3. Suitable for using as a flotation agent for oil.

Safety Protection:

Acidity, Avoid contact with eye and skin, once contacted, flush with water.