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Other Water Treatment

Water treatment is a critical process aimed at improving water quality for various purposes. It involves the removal of impurities, disinfection, and ensuring safe consumption. Chemicals like HEDP acid play a significant role in water treatment, offering excellent scale inhibition and corrosion control properties. HEDP acid effectively prevents the formation of scales and deposits in pipelines, boilers, and cooling systems. It also acts as a chelating agent, sequestering metal ions and improving the efficiency of other water treatment chemicals. With its exceptional performance, HEDP acid contributes to efficient and sustainable water treatment solutions, ensuring clean and safe water for industrial, commercial, and residential applications.

  • Resist Salt

    Resist Salt, also referred to as Meta-Nitro Benzene sulfonic acid sodium salt, is a chemical compound extensively used in the textile industry as a dyeing auxiliary. It assists in achieving excellent color leveling and dye penetration during the dyeing process.