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How to Use TCCA 90 for Swimming Pool
 Nov 09, 2023|View:218|

1. Determine the Pool Size:

Calculate the volume to determine the appropriate dosage of TCCA 90 for swimming pool. Refer to the manufacturer's guidelines or consult with a pool professional to ensure accurate measurements.


2. Test the Water Parameters:

Before adding TCCA 90, test the pool water for pH, total alkalinity, and calcium hardness levels. Adjust these parameters to the recommended range for optimal disinfection effectiveness.

3. Pre-Dissolve TCCA 90:

For granular TCCA 90 for swimming pool, pre-dissolving is recommended to ensure even distribution. Fill a clean bucket with water and slowly add the TCCA 90 granules while stirring. Allow the granules to dissolve completely.

4. Distribute TCCA 90:

Add the pre-dissolved TCCA 90 solution or tablets to the pool water. Distribute it evenly across the pool surface or use a floating dispenser or automatic chlorinator for controlled release. Follow the manufacturer's dosage instructions based on your pool size.

5. Maintain Proper Chlorine Levels:

Regularly monitor the chlorine levels in your pool using a reliable test kit. The ideal chlorine range for swimming pools is typically between 1-3 ppm (parts per million). Adjust the TCCA 90 dosage accordingly to maintain the desired chlorine level.

6. Regular Chlorine Shock:

Perform routine chlorine shock treatments to remove contaminants and maintain water clarity. Shocking involves adding a higher dosage of TCCA 90 to rapidly raise the chlorine level, followed by allowing it to dissipate naturally before swimming.

7. Monitor and Adjust:

Regularly monitor the pool water chemistry, including chlorine levels, pH, and alkalinity. Make necessary adjustments to maintain balanced water conditions. This includes adding more TCCA 90 if chlorine levels drop below the recommended range.

8. Backwash and Clean the Filter:

Regularly backwash or clean your pool's filtration system to remove debris and maintain its efficiency. A clean filter helps ensure proper circulation and effective distribution of TCCA 90 throughout the pool.

9. Safety Precautions:

When handling TCCA 90, wear protective gloves and goggles to avoid direct contact with the product. Follow all safety instructions provided by the manufacturer. Store TCCA 90 in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and keep it out of reach of children.

By following these steps and maintaining regular pool maintenance practices, you can effectively utilize TCCA 90 for swimming pool disinfection. Remember, proper dosage, regular monitoring, and adherence to safety measures are key to ensuring a clean and safe swimming environment.